The use of administrative mediation in the settlement of disputes by the National Electric Energy Agency


  • Rodrigo Bandeira Silva Chaves ANEEL

Palabras clave:

mediação, diálogo, pacificação, regulação responsiva, sanções


Purpose ”“ To present the complexity of factors that permeate the institutionalization of administrative mediation in the course of the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ Expository and comparative approach was used, based on the analysis of the organizational structure and ANEEL regulations relating to its activity of administrative mediation, as well as other theoretical concepts and data that underlie this activity, besides the theory of regulation Responsive.

Findings ”“ The results confirmed the convenience of institutionalized administrative mediation in the ANEEL, as a way to prevent judicial conflicts among the many regulated entities, as well as providing tools for practice that favors the use of Responsive regulation by the Agency to give priority to dialogue in resolving disputes, before application of the regulatory penalties.

Practical implications ”“ Noteworthy are the benefits of administrative mediation at expanding the dialogue between the regulator and the regulated entities, the gradation of punitive regulatory process and the pacification of conflicts.

Originality/value ”“ This article is inserted in specific niche regulatory, administrative mediation conducted by ANEEL, knowledge rarely explored by other research, a fact that contributes to the legal discussion of this issue.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Rodrigo Bandeira Silva Chaves, ANEEL

    Specialist at Brazil's Energy Independent Commission.


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Cómo citar

The use of administrative mediation in the settlement of disputes by the National Electric Energy Agency. Revista de Direito Setorial e Regulatório, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 359–374, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.