Brazil’s Port Sector Antitrust Challenges: Innovations brought about by Law no. 12,815/2013 and its effects on competition
Palabras clave:
setor portuário brasileiro, direito da concorrência, nova Lei dos Portos, imunidades antitruste, THC2Resumen
Purpose ”“ To assay how the new Ports Law (Law no. 12,815/13) treated the competition vulnerabilities of the previous regulation and also intend to identify the new competition boundaries of the sector.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ This research is divided into three chapters. The first one promotes a short analysis of the relationship between competition and regulation systems. The second investigates previous port regulation competition vulnerabilities. Finally, the last chapter explains the treatment given to the competition structure by the new regulatory model.
Findings ”“ The regulatory asymmetries between the actual models of port services delegation might jeopardize the competition encouraged by the new regulation. The high infrastructure costs involved, the private ports legal limitations that hinder expansion plans and the discrepancies in rates policy are some matters that may limit the market’s growth.
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