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Regulation and Internet Physical Layer: Analysis of Regulatory Intervention in light of the Neo-Republican Theory


  • Luana Chystyna Carneiro Borges Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications

Palabras clave:

regulação, camada física, internet, neorrepublicanismo


Purpose ”“ To research possible results of the relationships among the Internet physical layer owners over the open nature of the global network, by means of assessing the regulatory level to be established in this context.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ Firstly, the theoretical framework will be developed, explaining the neo-republican proposals of Philip Petit and Cass Sunstein. Next, structural concepts will be presented for the understanding of interconnection agreements. Afterwards, a review of the literature on the commercial interconnection arrangements will be carried out and a possible discrepancy between the values ”‹”‹guiding the physical (economic) and logical (social) layers of the Internet, evaluating the level of regulatory intervention required in this scenario.

Findings ”“ The effects of technological developments on the Internet physical layer and the impacts of the emergence of new types of commercial interconnection arrangements indicate that regulatory intervention in this context must exist but should be minimal and punctual in order to ensure transparency of information and to foster Internet eXchange Points (IXP) deployment, as a way to expand the possibilities and diversity of the infrastructure in this sector.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Luana Chystyna Carneiro Borges, Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications

    Civil Servant specialized in Telecommunication Regulation.


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2025-01-18 — Actualizado el 2018-05-15


Cómo citar

Regulation and Internet Physical Layer: Analysis of Regulatory Intervention in light of the Neo-Republican Theory. Revista de Direito Setorial e Regulatório, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 189–212, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.