Public Policy Agenda Setting: Fiscal Austerity in Brazil
Palabras clave:
formação da agenda, ciclo de políticas públicas, neoliberalismo, austeridadeResumen
Purpose ”“ This paper analyzes the agenda setting and the formulation of the public policy that inserted in the macroeconomic context of Brazil fiscal austerity policies adopted in other countries, evaluating the negative impact of this economic measure.
Methodology/approach design ”“ we use the theoretical framework called the "public policy cycle" developed by several authors mentioned in the article.
Findings - the analysis of the fiscal austerity agenda in Brazil reveals an orchestrated movement of certain economic agents, taking advantage of the moment of institutional fragility, as well as of deficiency of legal language in dealing with economic issues.
Practical implications ”“the paper presents as possible failures in the formulation of the public agenda, especially the absence of democratic and transparent debates, may result in the adoption of outdated and misguided policies in the management of a specific sector of the State.
Originality/value ”“ the approach of the macroeconomic agenda for Law and even for the political sciences is a challenge that imposes originality in the search for interdisciplinary solutions.
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