Algorithms, regulation, and governance: a literature review
Palabras clave:
governança algorítmica, regulação algorítmica, algoritmo, big data, aprendizado de máquinasResumen
Purpose ”“ To offer a curated mapping of the recent academic production on the topic of algorithmic governance and regulation to understand its connection to the theoretical traditions of regulation and governance.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ Exploratory literature review focusing on the detection of themes and theoretical approaches in publications that define their field of investigation through expressions such as “algorithmic regulation”, “algorithmic governance”, “algorithmic governmentality”, and “govern by algorithm”.
Findings ”“ Despite their appearance from 2013 onwards, surveyed papers tend to carry on older research traditions that also appear in governance and regulation studies. Research topics and theoretical approaches vary, with Foucauldian, regulatory and actor-network approaches being the most common. Possibility due to the novelty of the field, there is a stronger presence of theoretical endeavors.
Originality/value ”“ This is the first organized survey with this scope and it maps a host of foreign studies to the Portuguese language, serving as a starting point for those interested in the field.
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