La regulación del fracking en Colombia: un analisis desde la teoria procesal administrativa



Fracking, teoría procesal administrativa, reglamentación, interés público, participación social


[Purpose] To analyze and to determine how the administrative procedural theory of regulation, set forth by Steven Croley, can contribute to the regulation of fracking in Colombia.

[Methodology/approach/design] Qualitative research methodology supported by a bibliographic survey for the analysis of the information collected, specifically focused on the analysis of the regulation of fracking in Colombia and how administrative process theory can contribute to its development.

[Findings] The article is as a guide to understand how fracking is regulated in Colombia and how administrative procedural theory can help the regulation be more appropriate to the public interest and be processed under the principles of administrative law such as transparency, publicity, public interest and participation.

[Practical implications] The article aims to fill a gap in studies that deal with the best way to regulate fracking in Colombia, providing a different theoretical vision, through the implementation of administrative procedural theory, which allows the guarantee of public interest and social participation.

Author Biography

  • Catalina Maria Gutierrez Gongora, University of Brasilia

    Estudiante de Doctorado en Derecho, Estado y Constitución por el programa de Posgraduación en Derecho de la Universidad de Brasilia (PPGD-FD-UnB). Magister en Derecho por la Universidad de Brasilia. Abogada de la Universidad de Ibagué (Colombia). Investigadora del Grupo de Estudos e Observatório de Políticas Públicas (GEOPP/FD/UnB).


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How to Cite

La regulación del fracking en Colombia: un analisis desde la teoria procesal administrativa. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 1–32, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.