A Legal and Institutional Analysis of CADE’s Decision-Making Process: Overcoming the Regulatory Economic Rationality


  • Eduardo H. Kruel Rodrigues Brazil's Antitrust Authority


competition law, antitrust authority, decision-making process, regulation legitimacy, administrative process theory


Purpose ”“ This article highlights the need for the conceptual opening of competition law to values other than strictly economic ones, while, at the same time, analyzes, from an institutional point of view, whether CADE has adequate mechanisms for the effective consideration of such values.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ Based on the administrative process theory of regulation, the study assesses the institutional environment of CADE’s decision-making process from various institutes predicted in the Law no. 12,529/2011.

Findings ”“ It was observed that, at least from a legal point of view, CADE has already, in theory, ample space for any interested party to express themselves in its procedures, in addition to the fact that it has already an institutional apparatus that gives it substantial autonomy. However, that the mechanisms of participation and for third party intervention are still shyly used.

Practical implications ”“ First, the study highlights the variability of values that should be considered in CADE’s decision-making process. Secondly, the study seeks to identify some perspectives for encouraging the participation of third parties, contributing to a more sophisticated decision-making process.

Author Biography

  • Eduardo H. Kruel Rodrigues, Brazil's Antitrust Authority

    Brazil's Antitrust Authority's Advisor. 


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How to Cite

A Legal and Institutional Analysis of CADE’s Decision-Making Process: Overcoming the Regulatory Economic Rationality. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 103–118, 2018. Disponível em: https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/rdsr/article/view/19285. Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.