Zero Rating and Net Neutrality in Brazil's Internet Legal Framework: Digital Inclusion and Development of New Technologies


  • André Erhardt Superior Court of Justice


zero rating, Internet Civil Mark, technological innovation, Ernst J. Wilson


Purpose ”“ This article discusses the effects of zero rating on the principle of network neutrality and social and technological transformations of Brazil.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ It was composed from bibliographic research and data collection in order to explain the practice of zero rating, framing it in the theory formulated by Ernest J. Wilson.

Findings ”“ The article presents in details the offer of mobile internet service in Brazil and evaluates zero rating under the legislation and its impact on digital inclusion and technological development.

Practical implications ”“ The article serves as an invitation to the researcher interested in the social economic implications of zero rating and its regulation.

Originality/value ”“ It innovates in the Brazilian legal research presenting a peculiar approach on the model proposed by Ernest J. Wilson analyzing social transformations on par with technological development.

Author Biography

  • André Erhardt, Superior Court of Justice

    Federal Attorney and a Superior Court Justice Clerk.


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How to Cite

Zero Rating and Net Neutrality in Brazil’s Internet Legal Framework: Digital Inclusion and Development of New Technologies. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 343–358, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.