Road Concession Regulation and the Role of State


  • Laís Kimie Oshiro Caldeira University of Brasilia


regulation, highway concession, the state's role, natural monopoly


Purpose ”“ This paper seeks to establish standards for the assessment of regulation applied to highway concessions to comply with the state’s role as insurer of the public interest.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ The methodology consisted of a literature review on the theory of regulation, applying them to the sector of road concessions and performing an evaluation of the form of state intervention and the fulfillment of its objectives.

Findings ”“ The result was the identification of standards to be followed by regulation for that allows the qualification of the state’s role in highway concessions in Brazil and the fulfillment of its objectives.

Originality/value ”“ This paper analyzes systemically the application of regulation in the road sector that has very specific market characteristics allowing an evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of regulation in meeting the state’s role. The results are useful and innovative for a critical evaluation of the current regulation in Brazil and its evolution, both for scholars in the field, and for specialists working in the regulatory agencies of the transport sector.

Author Biography

  • Laís Kimie Oshiro Caldeira, University of Brasilia

    Researcher at the University of Brasilia Graduate Program on Transportation.


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How to Cite

Road Concession Regulation and the Role of State. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 233–246, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.