Global regulation of international intellectual property through Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS): The European Union and Brazil


  • Delphine Aurélie Laurence Defossez NYU


TRIPS, Brazil, EU Law, direct effect, harmonisation


Purpose ”“ This paper focuses on the regulation of copyrights at international level by comparing the situation under the TRIPS agreement in Brazil and in the European Union.   

Methodology/approach/design ”“ This article analyses standards and literature on regulation, as well as the role of TRIPS agreement. Attention was specially drawn to the market failure theory for justifying regulation, advocated by Baldwin & Cave. The TRIPS agreement will be analysed through Baldwin’s five criteria for good regulation.

Findings ”“ The TRIPS agreement substantially widened the scope of governance of copyrights but imposes the WTO view on the matter. Notwithstanding its flaws, the TRIPS agreement remains the most comprehensive international agreement on intellectual property. According to Baldwin’s theory, the TRIPS agreement as a regulation is a good regulation. Indeed, it achieves the major part of the goals it set. However, some of the declared goals have never come to existence and had been replaced by other goals. On the overall, the TRIPS agreement has the capacity to regulate international intellectual property.

Originality/value ”“ This paper analyses the TRIPS agreement as a way forward in the harmonization of the rules on intellectual property. 

Author Biography

  • Delphine Aurélie Laurence Defossez, NYU

    Delphine Defossez obtained two Master degrees in law, one in Comparative International and European Law from the European University Institute (EUI), Florence Italy, the other in International Commercial and Maritime Law from Swansea University, United Kingdom.  Her Bachelor studies were in European Law at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, in which she also was selected for a researched based programme, Marble program, under the supervision of the Dean of the law faculty. Apart from her studies, she has worked, pro-bono, as a researcher for the e-lab of NYU and HEC in order to help NGOs through the use of European law. On top of that, she has published numerous articles on various topics, such as aviation law, maritime law, money laundering law, etc. She participated in a competition for a writing prize offered by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), article that was published in the Annals of Air and Space law.


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How to Cite

Global regulation of international intellectual property through Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS): The European Union and Brazil. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 131–160, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 feb. 2025.