Agenda-Setting and the New Regulatory Framework of Cooperativism
cooperativism, legislation, agenda-setting, advocacy, public policyAbstract
Purpose ”“ The article aims to identify and analyze the difficulties faced in the inclusion of the new regulatory framework for cooperativism in the governmental agenda. Cooperativism, as a model of economic activities with a focus on social and sustainable development, nowadays needs adequate regulation to the market demands and that effectively allows for the promotion established by the Federal Constitution of 1988.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ In this perspective, based on the use of the deductive reasoning method and the bibliographical and documentary research techniques, this study seeks to identify the difficulties of including the cooperative agenda in the agenda of governmental priorities, based on the analysis of the work of the Parliamentary Front of Cooperativism to the confrontation and acquisition of the political bases in the national Executive and Legislative powers
Findings ”“ The assembly of the agenda of governmental priorities is not an automatic process, it requires active and constant action of the interested actors, structured in a simple and direct discourse, because the greater the complexity of the problem, the greater the tendency to ramify the debates. Cooperativism is complex because of the variety of branches it possesses. To approve a normative agenda of general interest of the cooperative that adds all the demands and guarantees the expected juridical security, demands that the clamor comes from the streets, of the social movements of the broader ones, because only the institutional lobby is not enough. Thus, the dissemination, awareness and education for cooperativism, may enable the implementation of the cooperative agenda effectively in the Brazilian Parliament.
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