Public Authority’s Functions: About the Constitutionality of Private Delegation and the Analysis of the Senate’s Bill no. 280, of 2017


  • Rafael Rodrigues Pessoa de Melo Camara Brazil's Senate


public authority's functions, private exercise of public power, delegation, due process of law, private regulation, constitutionality


Purpose ”“ This article aims to analyze the compatibility of the private exercise of public authority functions to the Brazil´s Constitution, and if the Senate’s Bill no. 280, of 2017, is constitutional.

Methodology ”“ The article implements a review of the literature and the constitutional rules about the subject, a research of the jurisprudence of Brazil’s Supreme Court and Superior Court of Justice, and also performs an analysis of comparative law to the American experience.

Findings ”“ The article concludes that it is constitutional the private exercise of public authority functions provided that certain requirements are met to ensure the due process of law; the Senate’s Bill no. 280, of 2017, partially meets the requirements.

Author Biography

  • Rafael Rodrigues Pessoa de Melo Camara, Brazil's Senate

    Senate's Advisor on Legal Issues


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How to Cite

Public Authority’s Functions: About the Constitutionality of Private Delegation and the Analysis of the Senate’s Bill no. 280, of 2017. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 63–78, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.