The application of the theory of public interest to improve the accomplishment of the environmental objectives of the fishing activity


  • Carolina Vicente Cesetti FGV


regulation, marine fishing, specialized institutions, public interest theory, environmental impact


Purpose ”“ To tackle the relationship between the regulatory institutional structure of fishing activity in Brazil is related to the theory of public interest proposed by Mike Feintuck.

Methodology/approach/design ”“ It proposes a research of the documentary and bibliographic type based, predominantly, on the analysis of legislation, analysis of books, articles and institutional research reports. Through data collection, reading and recordings, it will build convictions of the positive and negative points of the various perspectives proposed by the authors who went deeper into the theme.

Findings ”“ There was a visible gap in a specific body on the subject of fishing and an enormous contribution of Public Interest Theory in the context of fishing activity.

Author Biography

  • Carolina Vicente Cesetti, FGV

    Researcher on Natural Resources Law.


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How to Cite

The application of the theory of public interest to improve the accomplishment of the environmental objectives of the fishing activity. Journal of Law and Regulation, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 151–170, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.