Language teacher: a reflection on identity and its role as an agent
This article aims to discuss the contributions of reflections on identity to make language teachers more aware of their role as educator and agent of language policies. With regard to methodological procedures, this work results from a bibliographical research. For this, we initially discussed concepts of identity, relying on authors such as HALL, 1990, 2006; ROMERO, 2008; VIEIRA, 1999; WOODWARD, 2011; MOITA LOPES, 2003; NORTON and EARLY, 2015, as well as on agency (AHEARN, 2000, 2001; DURANTI, 2004; RAJAGOPALAN, 2013) and language policies (RAJAGOPALAN, 2013, 2014; CALVET, 2007). Next, we talk about the implications of the language teacher's identity constructions for the exercise of his profession, more specifically in what corresponds to his role as agent of linguistic policies. Finally, we reflect on the multiple role of the language teacher, highlighting his role as educator, citizen and agent of language policies. We conclude that through continuous reflections, especially on his identity, the language teacher becomes more aware of his role as educator and linguistic agent, which makes him more critical in order to be aware of the intentions , as well as the effects generated by their speeches and choices.
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