Is reformed epistemology a form of fideism?


  • Bruno Ribeiro Nascimento Faculdade Internacional Cidade Viva



Epistemologia Reformada, Teísmo, Fideísmo, Epistemologia Religiosa, Evidencialismo


The aim of this article is to assess whether Reformed epistemology is to be regarded as a form of fideism. Reformed epistemology holds the philosophical thesis that belief in God can be intellectually justified, rational or warranted, even if there is no evidence for the existence of God. First, I will detail the position of Reformed epistemology in order to understand how theistic belief can be intellectually successful despite a lack of evidence or proof. I will then look at the concept of fideism and explain how this position is a reproach or criticism of Reformed epistemology. Finally, I will examine whether it is correct to describe Reformed epistemology as a variant of fideism.


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Dossier of the X BAPR Congress: The future of philosophy of religion I

How to Cite

Is reformed epistemology a form of fideism?. (2024). Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 9(2), 75-99.