Then I Shall Know Even As I Am Known: An Analysis of the Logical Structure of the Problem of Evil


  • Alfredo Roque Freire Universidade de Brasília
  • Liam Ryan Central European University



Problem of evil, contradiction, metaphilosophy


This paper introduces a novel approach to interpreting the problem of evil, centred on a dynamic interplay between pre-formalised notions and their formal representations. Our thesis posits that the resolution to the problem lies in comprehending the underlying intentions of the premise set, rather than resorting to ad hoc, syllogistic rebuttals to the perceived contradictions. By applying this reasoning to the historical dialectic of the problem, we observe that certain resolutions to the problem of evil are more effective than others. The most effective solutions are those that maintain the integrity of the accumulated pre-formalised notions, while less effective ones either confront the contradiction head-on or disregard it entirely. Moreover, we discover that the process of striving and failing in this context yields valuable insights, enhancing our understanding and broadening the scope of our initial pre-formal notions about the problem of evil. 

Author Biographies

  • Alfredo Roque Freire, Universidade de Brasília

    Alfredo Roque Freire is a Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the
    University of Brasília. His research focuses on logic, metaphysics, and foundations of mathematics.

  • Liam Ryan, Central European University

    Liam D Ryan is a PhD candidate in philosophy at Central European University. His philosophical research focuses on mind, metaphysics, religion, and non-Western traditions.


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Dossiê do X Congresso da ABFR: O futuro da filosofia da religião II

How to Cite

Then I Shall Know Even As I Am Known: An Analysis of the Logical Structure of the Problem of Evil . (2024). Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 10(1), 6-29.