The future of philosophy of religion in light of negative theology


  • Ana Maria Correa Moreira da Silva Universidade de Brasília



Philosophy of Religion, Negative Philosophy, Apophatic Eschatology, Mysticism, Hope


In this paper, we advocate for the application of the apophatic method to both Theology and its branch, Eschatology. This defense is grounded in the assumption that, similar to the ineffability of God, the ineffability of the afterlife requires intellectual humility and openness to the myriad possibilities that the future may bring. We posit that adopting this methodological stance, rooted in the concept of negation, can ensure the future of the philosophy of religion amidst its main challenges, which arise from its object of study at the intersection of philosophy and theology. By recognizing the inherent limitations of religious language, Apophaticism emerges as a philosophical concept capable of enhancing inter-religious and intra-religious dialogue, as well as conversations with secular humanists in general. The concept of Hope also plays a crucial role in this approach, serving as a common denominator that brings together different theorical perspectives.


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Dossier of the X BAPR Congress: The future of philosophy of religion I

How to Cite

The future of philosophy of religion in light of negative theology. (2024). Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 9(2), 100-119.