Affect and Paradox: Some Reflections on a Dare to Rejoice
Affect, Emotion, Ethics, Kierkegaard, Spinoza, OntologyAbstract
Few of us regard joy as an especially daring act, yet this is how we find Kierkegaard thinking of it in early 1853. This paper situates Kierkegaard’s “dare to rejoice” as a theological alternative to the solipsism of modernity’s “mirror of happiness,” which developed from late medieval thought and lives on in the ethical torpor of some contemporary theories of affect. This alternative, only briefly outlined here, is rooted in a theological ontology of paradox that gives to affect its real significance. The result is an audacious joy that enabled Kierkegaard to rejoice not only in his own suffering but also, perhaps even more remarkably, in the happiness of others—a joy I also see expressed in the traumatic life of a Congolese refugee I came to know.
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