
  • Jairo Dias Carvalho Universidade Federal de Uberlândia




Creation of the world; Èsù; Afro-Brazilian religiosity; Transformation Orisha.


The focus of this text is to present some elements of Afro-Brazilian spirituality present in the comprehension of Exu (Eshu) deity. Intending to show a possible existence of a dual nature of Exu (Eshu) as from a reflection on the translation of his holy salutation and some of his myths and legends. Meaning to discuss whether this constitutive duality can be understood from the determination of Exu's (Eshu’s) role in the Afro-Brazilian worldview. Finally we want to show that it was because of a partial interpretation of aspects of his duality that Exu (Eshu) was identified as the enemy of humankind. This handling served the theological political interests of inferiorizing Afro-Brazilian beliefs. Exu (Eshu) has a benefit aspect and it is because of his seemingly opposite qualities that fulfills the function of maintaining order and creating new ordination in the world, therefore, making life better lived in this world. Exu (Eshu) is the lord of transformation.


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Dossiê Religiosidade dos povos originários e afro-brasileiros

How to Cite

ÈSÙ, THE LORD OF TRANSFORMATION. (2022). Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 8(2), 9-30. https://doi.org/10.26512/2358-82842021e40429