
  • Sarah dos Santos Universidade Federal de São Paulo



Neoplatonismo, Marguerite Porete, Deus, apófase da alma, união


This article aims to present the idea of annihilation of
the soul in the book The Mirror of Simple Souls by the philosopher
Marguerite Porete, having as its center the love relation between
God and the human being exposed from a feminine perspective.
Her work represents an itinerary to the realization of the union of
the soul with God due to the divestment of oneself, that is, resulting
from the apophasis of the soul. However, God is exposed as the
agent of this annihilation and union, which leads us to question the
validity of the human being’s participation in its journey of
annihilation. Knowing that God is the agent, what is the role of
human efforts? The present article intends to analyze the question
of the annihilation of the soul and the arguments exposed by the
philosopher to preserve the validity of human actions, while
considering God as the agent of annihilation and union.


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Artigos (temática geral)

How to Cite

THE ANNIHILATION OF THE SOUL IN MARGUERITE PORETE’S "THE MIRROR OF SIMPLE SOUL". (2021). Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 7(2), 69-83.