




Bergsonism; Mystique; Catholicism; Doctrine; Interpretation.


Our purpose with this article will be to consider to what extent the perception of the mystical fact, apprehended in the new horizon of its objectification, made difficult the acceptance of Bergson's last work, The two sources of morality and religion, by the catholic intellectuals of the time. It was mainly the thomists who were disappointed that they did not see in bergson's religious doctrine a coincidence with his rational theology. But, as we intend to sustain in this work, what was judged was more what we could call a retrospective or external bergsonism than the bergsonism of audacity, thus showing the illusions and mistakes made by Catholic thinkers and giving rise to an interpretation of the theory bergsonian who was unaware of its profound uniqueness.


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Artigos (temática geral)

How to Cite

ON THE FRONTIERS OF CATHOLICISM: THE BERGSON CASE. (2021). Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 7(2), 84-118. https://doi.org/10.26512/2358-82842020e33936