Religion and Art in Jacques Derrida
On the painting of Jean-Michel Atlan
deconstruction; writing; religion; painting; Atlan.Abstract
Several times French philosopher Jacques Derrida was invited to comment on works of art in the public sphere. This paper analyzes his exhibition catalog text on the Franco-Algerian painter Jean-Michel Atlan: Atlan Grand Format, entitled from color to letter, published in 2001. Since the painter's works carry references to pagan and monotheistic religions, the philosopher's reflection seeks thematizing the moment of history of religions and history of painting to which these works refer: the common origin for the simultaneous emergence of monotheism and painting, the "desert in the desert". However, before analyzing Atlan's works, it was necessary to deal with the great lines of deconstruction theory, center of his thinking, as well as his conception of religion and art. The adventure of différance or dissemination is the operating process in the deconstruction of language, [of] religion and painting, looking for the originless origin, prior to logocentrism, to religions and art history, characterized by metaphysical hierarchization.
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DERRIDA, Jacques (2008). Adeus a Emmanuel Lévinas. São Paulo: Perspectiva.
DERRIDA, Jacques (2012a). “As artes espaciais: uma entrevista com Jacques Derrida”. In MICHAUD, Ginette et alii (org.). Pensar em não ver. Escritos sobre as artes do visível (1979-2004). Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC: 17-62.
DERRIDA, Jacques (2012b). “Da cor à letra”. In MICHAUD, Ginette et alii (org.). Pensar em não ver. Escritos sobre as artes do visível (1979-2004). Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC: 249-277.
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