Imagination in the Book of Soul from Ibn SÄ«nã (Avicena)
Avicenna, Imagination, Epistemology, Arabic, Philosophy.Abstract
This article aims to summarize the speech made at the III FFLCH / USP Eastern Philosophy Journey, about the research developed during the Master's degree program in the Arabic and Jewish Studies of the FFLCH/USP Department of Oriental Letters. The research had as its object of study the power of Imagination as described by the Persian philosopher known in the west as Avicenna in his Book of Soul. In this work the philosopher presents his description of the soul faculties, describing in Chapter IV the importance of Imagination in the production of dreams that contain omens and in the Prophecy. Therefore, it is essential to situate the Arab philosophical production temporally and spatially, understanding it as heiress and continuer of various traditions, such as Greek and even Indian, and endowed with original and unheard systems of its time.
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