The Concept of Fayd (ﻓﻴﺾ - Emanation) in Ibn SÄ«nã (Avicenna) Metaphysics and Metaphysical of Reality
emanation, Arabic philosophy, Avicenna’s philosophy, Ibn SÄ«nÄ, Avicenna.Abstract
This work is a presentation on the concept of emanation (fayá¸) beings in avicenian doctrine and on the substance of these by emanation from God. It also presents the most important senses of fayḠin Arabic language, including the Qur'anic text. First, however, there is an exhibition on ways of beings according to Ibn SÄ«nã whose reading shows the influence of modal logic of Aristotle in Ibn SÄ«nã and the metaphysical structure of rality.
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