Teleology; Evolutionism; Philosophy and Science; Science and Religion; Mariano Artigas.Abstract
The present article intends to discuss the basis of the teleological argument from the work of the Spanish physicist and philosopher Mariano Artigas. After observing the prolific production of many scientists on the subject, we notice that the concept of “finality” must be nuanced. This nuance of the concepct allows to investigate in what ways the empirical sciences and philosophical thought can sustain the “finality” be understood. Then, it demonstrates that the notions of “chance” and “finality” aren’t incompatible, because there is an possible harmonization beetween then. Throughout the process, it is stressed the need to correctly evaluate the advances of the experimental sciences, so as not to extrapolate their own statutes. In the end, having observed how Artigas responds to the question, the author of the article comments on the ethical developments that resonate from the main concept discussed.
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