




Feminist Philosophy. Goddess. Great Mother. Vitalism. Immanence.


Feminist Philosophyis born as a criticism of hegemonic
phallogocentric paradigm, determined ”“ from a philosophical
point of view ”“ by an abstract dualism, and”“from the religious
point of view ”“ by the transcendence of a perfect and
unchangeable God, Father and Judge of everything. Along with
the criticism of patriarchal ideology, feminism moves towards
a non-dualistic conception of reality and a new spirituality
liberating of the universal vital energy. Given the death of God,
and the decline of the father, the next article will attempt to
recover the prehistoric Goddess as archetype of a new
spirituality, capable of regenerating the hegemonic thinking
and culture.


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Artigos (temática geral)

How to Cite

FEMINIST SPIRITUALITY: ON THE ARCHETYPE OF THE GODDESS. (2018). Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 3(1), 36-55. https://doi.org/10.26512/2358-82842016e13385