Is it Possible to Discuss Ethics and Beyond Fear and Tremor? Possible Objections to Kierkegaardian Theses and Their Outfits


  • MARCIO GIMENES DE PAULA Universidade de Brasília ”“ UnB



Ethics, Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Kierkegaard.


The story of Abraham - and the divine command to
sacrifice his son Isaac - is, as many of us know, the
source of inspiration for some reflections of
Kierkegaard in his work Fear and Trembling. From
this episode, Johannes Silentio, the pseudonymous
author of the work, and make an ode to faith as the
highest of the passions, wonders also about a problem
that, according to his interpretation, it seems central,
ie, about the teleological suspension of morality. The
objective of this paper is to investigate, especially
from the reflections of Kierkegaard a possible interpretation
for the teleological suspension of morality
and in what circumstances such a thing does occur and where we can insert it in the ethical debates of
philosophy of the nineteenth century.


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Artigos (temática geral)

How to Cite

Is it Possible to Discuss Ethics and Beyond Fear and Tremor? Possible Objections to Kierkegaardian Theses and Their Outfits. (2018). Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1(1), 65-75.