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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted to the Brazilian Journal for Philosophy of Religion (BJPR) must be of one of the following types:

Articles (either as part of a specific dossier or as on free subject matter in the philosophy of religion)


Translations into Portuguese of texts originally published in another language

Files must not contain any reference to the author's name nor any other piece of information that may allow identifying their authorship.

General Guidelines

The author will submit his/her article or review exclusively by electronic means, through the journal webpage, after registering (, following the submission steps.

The author has to send in a separate file her/his identification details, consisting of full name, education and institutional link (alternatively, the author can also send a resume) and a picture in format and size fitted to be published in the journal.

BJPR publishes original articles by PhD researchers and graduate students in the field of philosophy of religion. Articles in related areas such as religious studies and theology are also acceptable conditional to their relationship with the philosophy of religion. In order to be considered co-authors of a same article, both writers must have a doctoral degree. Exceptional cases will be assessed by the Editorial Committee.

Texts must be typed in Word, Letter size (21,59 x 27,94 mm), in "portrait" orientation, font 12, Times New Roman, space 1,5 within the following margin limits: superior and inferior: 2,5 cm; right and left: 3 cm. Quotations with more than 3 lines must have indentation of 1,5 cm, font 11, simple line space. Tables and graphics cannot constitute more than 25% of the text as a whole, and have to be numbered.

Articles should have a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 pages (between 40.000 and 60.000 characters with spaces). The size of translations will be evaluated in a case by case basis, but we recommend they do not exceed the articles limit. Larger texts may be accepted exceptionally, conditional to editorial evaluation, and this should come as a special author's request in the submission process. The reviewed book must have been published up to three years before the date of the review submission. All texts must have been revised and corrected according to orthographic norms prior to submission.

The Editor and the Editorial Committee may indicate corrections and complements to authors before sending the texts to a referee's evaluation, in order to make sure they comply with the BJPR norms. Texts found to be plagiarism will have their publication cancelled or removed from the journal, in case they had been published prior to this discovery. The same will be done to articles containing more than 25% of a text published previously published by the same author.

After the pre-evaluation by an Editorial Committee member, in case of approval, the text will be submitted to an external referee.

In case pre-evaluation indicates the text such be part of a section other than the one it was originally submitted (as an article instead of review, for instance), the author will be notified and asked whether he/she accepts the new classification.

All evaluated texts that are recommended to publication conditional to corrections indicated by referees must be resubmitted for new evaluation within 10 working days after notification.

Authorship identification details should be informed in metadata only during the submission process. Authors are then required to delete all personal information prior to submitting a text so that the double blind review process is complied with.


Articles should include an abstract stating clearly and concisely the text subject and aim. The abstract must be between 150 and 200 words length.


Every article should indicate up to 5 keywords (separated by semicolons) that represent its content. Keywords should preferably be chosen from a controlled vocabulary, in case there is a thesaurus in the subject field.

Articles structure

Articles should respect the following sequence:

Title (preferably short) – if necessary, subtitles are acceptable.




Text with subtitles and footnotes (please use sequential numbering like 1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 4...)



Please do not number introduction, conclusion and references.


Translations should be subject to formal and grammar revision according to current norms prior to submission, and should contain all original text references. In case the material is not in public domain yet, translators must produce the original text copyright owner's permit to translation. Unless in exceptional cases, translations should have the same maximum length of articles (60.000 characters with spaces).


Book reviews ought to include in the heading: book title, the book author's name (and translator, if relevant), city where the book was published, publisher, publication year, book number pages. The reviewer's personal details have to be registered in metadata, in the submission process: institutional link, biography summary, highest academic title, e-mail, post address. Reviews should have a maximum of 5 pages (15.000 characters with spaces).

Quotation, Reference and other BJPR Formal Rules

Footnotes will be used exclusively for either explanations or complements to the text, not for bibliographic reference, for which writers must use the author-date system in the body of the text.

Quotations in a language other than the one in which the text is written should be translated. If necessary, the original text can be reproduced in a footnote.

Terms, concepts or words in foreign language should come in italics. Authors should avoid neologisms unless they are extremely necessary and accompanied by an explanation in a footnote.

In order to highlight an idea, authors should use italics instead of inverted comas.

Authors should pay attention to the difference between free quotation, when another author's text is paraphrased, and textual quotation, when the quoted author's words are transcribed. Both quotations must be accompanied by date and page number, although only the latter demand inverted comas.

If a quotation is more than three lines long, it must come in a paragraph detached from the text, indented 1,5 cm, font 11, Times New Roman, simple line space, ending in the right text margin, without inverted comas and including the full reference (author, date, page number).


Bibliographic references must come in the end of the article, in authors' surname alphabetical order, and should conform to the following pattern:

Books: POPPER, Karl (1959). The Logic of Scientific Discovery. London: Hutchinson.

Book chapters or texts in a collection: LAKATOS, Imre (1970). “Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes” in Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, by I. Lakatos and A. Musgrave. Cambridge University Press: 91-196.

Dissertations and theses: SMITH, U. A. M. (1986). The Metaphysics of Plato and Aristotle: An analysis. A. Dissertation. McGill University, Montreal.

Journal articles: TSIKOLIA, Nikoloz (2006). “The role and limits of a gradient based explanation of morphogenesis: a theoretical consideration”. International Journal of Dev. Biology. 50: 333-340.

Electronic documents: WALCOTT, Charles (1996). “Pigeon Homing: Observations, Experiments and Confusions,” Journal of Experimental Biology, 199, 21-27, 1996. Available on the internet at, accessed March 15, 2009.

In case of containing more than one item by the same author, the reference list should repeat his/her surname instead of using dashes. Same author's works should be organised by date in decreasing order.

For other reference types or any doubt related to this refer to:


Copyright Notice

Given the public access policy of the journal, the use of the published texts is free, with the obligation of recognizing the original authorship and the first publication in this journal. The journal allows the use of the works here published for non-commercial uses, including the right to publish the works in open access databases. The authors of the published contributions are entirely and exclusively responsible for their contents.

1. The authors authorize the publication of the article in this journal.
2. The authors guarantee that the contribution is original, and take full responsibility for its content in case of impugnation by third parties.
3. The authors guarantee that the contribution is not under evaluation in another journal.
4. The authors keep the copyright and convey to the journal the right of first publication, the work being licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
5. The authors are allowed and stimulated to publicize and distribute their work on-line after the publication in the journal.
6. The authors of the approved works authorize the journal to distribute their content, after publication, for reproduction in content indexes, virtual libraries and similar.
7. The editors reserve the right to make adjustments to the text and to adequate the article to the editorial rules of the journal.



Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

Artigos (temática geral)

Articles must be original and should express results of updated philosophical research in a graduate level. The journal should have priority to publication of the submitted article, which means the author must not submit it to another journal during the evaluation process. No change in content, stile, bibliographic reference or presentation will be made without previous author’s consent.

Articles must be submitted exclusively through the UnB Journals Portal in Word format or another one compatible to it.

Along with the article, the author must include an abstract of 150 to 300 words, as well as five keywords, the title, and his/her metadata, which will not be disclosed to the referee.

Bibliographic reference should be placed in the end.

Quotations and reference in the text should follow the following pattern.


Dedicada à publicação de resenhas de publicações de interesse na área; Submissões avaliadas pelos editores e/ou parecerista convidado


Destinado à publicação de entrevistas de iteresse para a área. Submissões avaliadas pelos editores e/ou parecerista convidado

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses informed in this journal shall be used exclusively for the services offered by this publication and shall not be given to third parties nor used for other purposes.