Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The contribution is original is neither under evaluation nor has been published elsewhere.
- The submission file format is Microsoft Word (.docx).
- The submission file do not contain any mention to the author, including its metadata (use the Inspect Document command in Microsoft Word and execute all the given recommendations).
- The manuscript comply with all the recommendations given in the Submission Guidelines (see below).
- The text is presented in 1.5 line spacing and Times New Roman 12 font.
- As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the submission with respect to all items listed below.
Artigos (temática geral)
Articles must be original and should express results of updated philosophical research in a graduate level. The journal should have priority to publication of the submitted article, which means the author must not submit it to another journal during the evaluation process. No change in content, stile, bibliographic reference or presentation will be made without previous author’s consent.
Articles must be submitted exclusively through the UnB Journals Portal in Word format or another one compatible to it.
Along with the article, the author must include an abstract of 150 to 300 words, as well as five keywords, the title, and his/her metadata, which will not be disclosed to the referee.
Bibliographic reference should be placed in the end.
Quotations and reference in the text should follow the following pattern.
Dedicada à publicação de resenhas de publicações de interesse na área; Submissões avaliadas pelos editores e/ou parecerista convidado
Destinado à publicação de entrevistas de iteresse para a área. Submissões avaliadas pelos editores e/ou parecerista convidado
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Names and addresses informed in this journal shall be used exclusively for the services offered by this publication and shall not be given to third parties nor used for other purposes.