Exploring mid-level bureaucracy

a tentative typology


  • Pedro L.C. Cavalcante
  • Gabriela S. Lotta
  • Erika M.K. Yamada


mid-level bureaucrat, typology, policymaking


The paper’s main goal is to present an original typology of bureaucrats,
situated in intermediate layer of the civil service structure. This specifc
set of players, the mid-level bureaucrat (MLB), is seen as a strategic
group, primarily, because of its connection role and position between
the top ofcials and the policy executors. Despite their relevance and
well-known heterogeneity, few studies have explored this diversity and
the effects in the policymaking. In order to fulfll this gap and deepen the understanding of the MLBs, this article proposes a typology that includes crucial dimensions, such as profle, background and performance, and, thus, empirically confrms the heterogeneity assumption in the Brazilian federal civil service.




Como Citar

Exploring mid-level bureaucracy: a tentative typology. (2018). Revista Brasileira De Ciência Política, 26. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/rbcp/article/view/18911