Levantamento e análise do “status quo” da seção de Circulação da Biblioteca Pública do Amazonas


  • Maria Sidney Garcia de Vasconcellos Lins


Bibliotecas públicas. Serviços de empréstimo. Serviços de biblioteca. Amazonas (AM). Brasil.


It covers historical aspects and describes the present infra-structure of the Public Library of the State of Amazonas (Manaus, Brazil), emphasyzing the Circulation section, its functioning, services and routines, according to the analysis of administrative and statistical data. The excessive beaurocracy and lack of participation of the users in the decision-making process are some of the major problems to the devellopment of that Section. A new structure of the Library is being proposed in order to modernize the Library. It makes recomendations for the improvement of the Circulation Sector.



How to Cite

Levantamento e análise do “status quo” da seção de Circulação da Biblioteca Pública do Amazonas. (1979). Revista De Biblioteconomia De Brasília, 7(2), 132-150. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/rbbsb/article/view/46742