O informagrama sintético

medida do fluxo de informação


  • Luiz Mário Marques Couto


Fluxo da informação. Informação diplomática. Informação confidencial. Análise quantitativa.


Information flow of documents is essential for several activities. Information flow patterns and their quantitative analysis provide insights on physical information structure, on information sources and its environment. This research is based on document traffic data between an Embassy in Brazil and its Foreign Office. First results provide a tool for information flow measurement called the SYNTHETIC INFORMAGRAM. This graph allows flow monitoring, flow simulation and eventually lead to the preparation of software useful for computerized documentary system both in government and business.



How to Cite

O informagrama sintético: medida do fluxo de informação. (1990). Revista De Biblioteconomia De Brasília, 18(1), 13-33. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/rbbsb/article/view/45568