Sistema de Bibliotecas Públicas do Estado do Ceará


  • Maria de Fátima Pessoa de Oliveira


Sistemas de bibliotecas. Redes de bibliotecas. Bibliotecas públicas. Ceará (CE). Brasil.


The Central bureau of the Public Library System of the State of Ceará (Brazil) is, currently, in the permises of the Biblioteca Pública Governador Menezes Pimentel. This library has been functioning in many buildings since 1867 until the construction of its buiding (5 floors, 2.727m2) in Fortaleza, Ceará but some basic requi- ments are still to be satisfyed as the lifts, eletric system, and central air conditioning. The project of the Public Library System starded in 1977 but is already receiving the first benefits of the organization of municipal Public Libraries, increasing support from local and regional authorities for the improvement of this cultural activities for the communities it serves. A Technical Group of 9 librarians was created and are surveying the actual and potencial conditions of each the 141 municipalities of Ceará in order to develop public library services according to the guidelines set by Instituto Nacional do Livro which is sporsoring the National System of Public Libraries.



How to Cite

Sistema de Bibliotecas Públicas do Estado do Ceará . (1979). Revista De Biblioteconomia De Brasília, 7(2), 151-157.