Controle Bibliográfico Universal


  • Dorothy Anderson


Controle bibliográfico. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).


IFLA’s long term programme for Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC) was first put forward at the IFLA Grenoble Conference in 1973 and was realized in 1974 by the decision of the IFLA Executive Board to establish the IFLA International - Office for UBC which became operational on July 14,1974. Ilie objectives of UBC and a programme of constructive action for its implementation were set out in IFLA’s paper prepared for the Unesco Intergovernmental Conference. In September 1974, the Unesco agreed to assist this programme through its own activities and support the UBC Office in accordance with objective 14 of the NATIS proposals. “Universal Bibliographic Control will be promoted by Unesco in co-operation with IFLA, as a major polocy objective to create a world-wide system for the control and exchange of information.”





Sessão de Estudos IV

How to Cite

Controle Bibliográfico Universal. (1977). Revista De Biblioteconomia De Brasília, 5(1), 295-302.