O aborto na concepção da Bioética Personalista de Elio Sgreccia




Palabras clave:

Bioética Personalista. Pessoa Humana. Embrião. Aborto. Concepção.


The ethical dilemma of abortion has always challenged and polarized human societies, given the complexity of the issues around it. Abortion will be analyzed in the light of Elio Sgreccia's personalistic bioethical theory (1928-2019). The Italian bioethicist bases his view against abortion on a bioethical one centered on the human person, that is, on an ontologically grounded personalism, seeking to establish connections between modern science and Christian metaphysics, but going beyond religious fundamentalist dogmatism which obscures a more epistemologically rational reflection. Thus, truth must hover above any particular cosmovision. For personalist bioethics, the primacy of the human person comes from conception and transcends the mind-body dualism, because the human being, ontologically, is a unitality that cannot be reduced only to the psychic or bodily reality. Thus, abortion is a service against the dignity of human life, given its fundamental axiological value, wounding the sacredness of existence.


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Artigos Originais

Cómo citar

O aborto na concepção da Bioética Personalista de Elio Sgreccia. (2021). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 16, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.26512/rbb.v16.2020.32284