What young people know about human trafficking?


  • Bárbara Rodrigues Universidade do Porto
  • Rui Nunes Universidade do Porto
  • Cristina Santos Universidade do Porto
  • Carla Serrão Instituto Politécnico do Porto
  • Ivone Duarte Universidade do Porto



Palabras clave:

Human Trafficking (HT). education. young people. knowledge. forms of acquisition.


Human Trafficking (HT) affects much of the world is population, including children. The need to (in)form young people about this crime highlights the crucial role of schools and families as major sources of knowledge transmission. This study is to evaluate the knowledge of HT and identify the sources of information on this phenomenon from a sample of young people spread over 14 public schools in the Municipality of Porto, 7 of which are covered by Educational Territories of Priority Intervention (ETPI). A self- assessment questionnaire was applied in the classroom. It becomes clear that the (in)formation on this subject is sparse. In this regard, we suggest that more visibility should be given to this phenomenon, through the integration of this issue in health/ sexual education projects in schools. Actions covering preventive interventions of universal character, but also more specific interventions in priority groups identified as most vulnerable.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Bárbara Rodrigues, Universidade do Porto

    Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar e Faculdade de Medicina, Porto, Portugal.

  • Rui Nunes, Universidade do Porto

    Faculdade de Medicina, Porto, Portugal.

  • Cristina Santos, Universidade do Porto

    Faculdade de Medicina, Porto, Portugal.

  • Carla Serrão, Instituto Politécnico do Porto

    Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Porto, Portugal.

  • Ivone Duarte, Universidade do Porto

    Faculdade de Medicina, Porto, Portugal.


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Artigos Originais

Cómo citar

What young people know about human trafficking?. (2019). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 14, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.26512/rbb.v14i0.24023