Refugiados ambientais: desafios da bioética global
DOI: clave:
Climate changes, Refugees, Environmental, MigrationResumen
During the 21st century, global environmental changes have become recurrent, leading many people to move in order to survive. These displacements have been posed like a real threat, because the migration process has a strong impact on human life. This has given rise to a new type of refugee, called environmental refugee, who does not have a clear and well-defined concept on international law and national public policies, neither a widespread acceptance. The absence of consensus on the theorical and practical definitions and the variety of terms that have been used for these people who are forced to move through environmental problems do not protect them simply because of a concept of classification and nomenclature. In view of this, this article aims to analyze the concept and nomenclature of "environmental refugees", providing, through the theoretical approach of global bioethics, some guidelines for the confrontation of this reality that generates vulnerabilities.
Keywords: Climate changes. Refugees. Environmental. Migration.
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