Nacional Council of Bioethics ”“ the Brazilian initiative
Brazil. Nacional Council of Bioethics. Bioethics. State. Law Project.Abstract
This article presents, in a critical way, the main aspects that involved the construction of the law project initiated by the Executive Power for the creation of the National Council of Bioethics in Brazil (Conselho Nacional de Bioética), brought by the President of the Republic to the National Congress in October 2005. It discusses the critical points of the proposal, brings back aspects of the process of elaboration, as well as reveals strategies adopted for the involvement of institutional partners and civil society in order to obtain a democratic proposal. As a contribution to the legislative process which is now beginning, reveal the significant changes occurred in the text, it register the maintenances and credibility elements of the Council lost in the law project, also recovering the fundamental points already discussed in topics about the regulation of this new law.
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