Bioethics and Biopolitics


  • Miguel Kottow Universidad de Chile



Bioethics. Politics. Biopolitics. Power. Protection ethics.


In this article it is discussed the present effort that aims at an approach of bioethics and politics, following a proposal which sustains that bioethical conflicts reach a political scenery, specially the ones which are connected to poverty, social inequity and exclusion. By elucidating some definitions of politics, it is introduced the idea that bioethics and politics act in different ambito and with different methods. Bioethics thus cannot adopt power discourse. A consonance between bioethics and politics in a deliberation plan is not contrivable to biopolitics. The proposal of bioethics, in general, and of protection bioethics, in specific, recognizes a deep incompatibility with biopolitics. The first one is formed by bíos ”“ existence ”“ and biopolitics is componed by zôì, destroying the bíos, as the name indicates, life approximates from animal life and is deprived from its humanity. In this antagonism, bioethics has precisely the task of protecting the bios of not being treated as only azôì, and of arguing in resistance to the biopolitical perspectives, which work excluding freedom values.

Author Biography

  • Miguel Kottow, Universidad de Chile

    Escuela de Salud Pública y Departamento de Bioética y Humanidades, Santiago, Chile.


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Artigos Especiais

How to Cite

Bioethics and Biopolitics. (2005). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 1(2), 110-121.