Press. Ethics. Bioethics. Philosophy. Journalism.Abstract
We are experiencing a new communicational paradigm. Information is produced in an instantaneous way increasing the risk of breaking ethical values, which should rule over the information professionals. This present study is part of a general explanation about ethics in the press and its correlation with bioethics and philosophy. Today, more than ever, are information professionals vulnerable, as they need to work with complex and globalized themes that require reflective decision making. Nevertheless, are ethically prepared to generate journalistically responsible practices? To answer such a question, we carried out a research involving 100 journalists graduated from seven different Brazilian universities. The objective was to evaluate what they think about the importance of ethical reflections, how much they know about this theme and whether their academic background was enough for the ethical practice of their profession. The research evidenced that the lack of ethical preparation of those professionals is overlooked, by their academic formation, which has not given proper relevance to such an aspect of the profession.
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