Casuistry. Principialism. Hermeneutic. Rhetoric. Taxionomy of casesAbstract
At the beginning, Bioethics grew up within the paradigm of Principialism, proposed by the book of Beauchamp and Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics, gradually appeared critics to the tiranny of principles. The most cutting critics was presented by the book of Jonsen and Toulmin, The Abuse of Casuistry where the authors set the paradigm of casuistry against the Principialism. The appropriate methodology to Bioethics is, for them, the analysis of cases and not the application of principles. They try to recuperate the important and flourish casuistry of the beginning modern time, setting free from his abuses. The article presents this discussion, showing the importance of the case analysis methodology to the solution of the clinic ethics problems. Offer the critics to the casuistry paradigm, pointing out the necessity of hermeneutic as corrective to his feasible excesses and diversions. To not falling in a pure moral convencionalism, it is important to interpret the presuppositions of the concrete solutions. Therefore it is suitable that the Bioethics would have two faces: one casuistic arriving to practical decisions and one hermeneutic lighting out the theoretical pre-comprehensions which sustain these decisions.
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