The ethics of genome interventions


  • César Grisólia Universidade de Brasília



Biotechnology. Aging. Ethics. Genome. Transgenics.


Plant biotechnology recently becomes the focus of heated controversy and media attention around world. The most obvious concerns have centered upon possible effects on the environment and on human health. Genetic modification of animals has arising serious concerns about the animal suffering. The concerns are divided into three main categories: animal welfare, animal integrity and relating to human and environmental issues. Bioethicists are currently expressing criticism to the ethical and social consequences of various research initiatives in the biotechnology applied to anti-aging interventions. In particular, they are reacting to research programs related to regenerative medicine, stem-cell therapies and effects to mimic of caloric


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Artigos Especiais

How to Cite

The ethics of genome interventions. (2006). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 2(3), 365-385.