The verifiability in Bioethics: a new principle for an epistemological position
Ethics. Verificability. Carnap.Abstract
According to the perspective of R.Carnap, ethics appears as a philosophy of values and, by other side, as an analytic lecture of the logical propositions from the ethics. According to the philosopher from the “Vienna Circle”, the metaphysical statements are senseless as well as they are pseudo- statements. This position affects the sense of some ethical announcements, which, according to R.Carnap, contains a semantic analysis. From here, will emerge analytical ethics or proposional moral. In here, the moral conduct, according to the symbolic logical, presents itself. The new proposional ethics fits into a semantic, which will have a natural epistemological foundation. One of the principal propositions from R. Carnap reveals itself inside the principle of verifiability, which has a new report to bioethics. So this is an original and fundamental indication from the present study, where a logical semantic analysis for its interpretation increases the epistemological sense of ethics. According to R. Carnap, ethics can be described by two epistemological lectures: a metaphysical one and other formal logical. The R. Carnap positions are original, reflects that all the ethics, in the future, will study the semantics senses of moral and empirical facts, contributing for a new epistemological statute, which comes from the principle of verifiability. By an analytical way, ethics, according to R.Carnap, is the holistic approach of life and conducts problems, is multidisciplinary, where the verifiability has its importance and a logical meaning.
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