Challenges to researchers brought by vulnerability
Vulnerability. Bioethics. Deontology. Research.Abstract
This study discusses vulnerability by analyzing it from the point of view of the actions of healthcare professionals and researchers. Consider professional education as a factor that produces and leads to vulnerability, discussing subjective aspects of power relations between researchers and subjects of research and also calling attention to the aspects related to professional ethics, as well as to the related behavior characterized by its absence and legalism.
Neves, MCP. Sentidos da vulnerabilidade: característica, condição, princípio. Revista Brasileira de Bioética 2(2), 2006. pp. 157-72.
Schramm, FR. A saúde é um direito ou um dever? Uma autocrítica da Saúde Pública. Revista Brasileira de Bioética 2(2), 2006. pp.187-200.
Schramm, FR. A saúde é um direito ou um dever? Uma autocrítica da Saúde Pública. Revista Brasileira de Bioética 2(2), 2006. pp.187-200.
Artigos Originais
How to Cite
Challenges to researchers brought by vulnerability. (2006). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 2(2), 248-253.