Health is a right or an obligation? A self-critical evaluation of public health
Biopolicy. Unconditional hospitality. Protection. Public health. Vulnerability. Vulneration.Abstract
The article explores, in an introductory way, the biopolitical and the biopower aspects that are usually brought by the contemporaneous sanitary practices. The hypothesis of a paradigmatical transition from the conception of health as a citizen is right and a State obligation to the conception of health as a citizen obligation and a State is right is particularly taken here. A conceptual analysis of the category of vulnerability is proposed by this study, particularly related to ethics in research. This study also tries to show the need to distinguish the category of vulnerability from the category of vulneration; and in a second stage, it approaches the principle of “protection”, showing the limits of its application; in a third stage, it tries to show the biopolitical aspects of the contemporaneous health policies; and in a last stage, it shows the pertinence of the category of unconditional hospitality, to avoid any kind of individual or social human prejudice just because these people have practices that are considered as not healthy by the emergent sanitary paradig
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