The vulnerability as partner of the autonomy


  • Márcio Anjos Centro Universitário São Camilo


Vulnerability. Autonomy. Power. Bioethics research.


Under an anthropological approach, this study tries to make an analysis of the relevance of the concept of vulnerability in bioethics field as well as its relation with autonomy. It inserts this subject under contemporary social and cultural context, where enthusiasm for power predominates, with difficulties to deal with vulnerability. It discusses the contusive presence of vulnerability in every human process. The article analyses some vulnerability matters in Kant is discourse of formal autonomy. It makes a conclusive reading about vulnerability in bioethics, establishing some of its basic concepts, their anthropological meanings as well as its reflective applications. It says that the consciousness of vulnerability is very important to foster the critical rationalism that supports autonomy. It is necessary to Latin-American bioethics to have autonomy discussed in a more dialectical way, and vulnerability is the other branch in this dialectics.

Author Biography

  • Márcio Anjos, Centro Universitário São Camilo

    São Paulo, Brasil.


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Artigos Especiais

How to Cite

The vulnerability as partner of the autonomy. (2006). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 2(2), 173-186.