Bioethics and Human Rigths


  • Juan Carlos Tealdi Universidad de Buenos Aires


Bioethics. Human Rights.


The globalization of corporations constantly produces new signs of identity in the light of the retreat of the nation state, but this does not generate a transnational public space. It is because of these questions that critical reflection on the relationship between bioethics and human rights today becomes essential in the light of the imperial globalization of merchandise and its implicit violence, and in view of individualism that is incapable of thinking of justice for a world with a common destiny. In this context, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights focused in its title on the indissociable relationship that exists between bioethics and human rights in many regulatory fields.

Author Biography

  • Juan Carlos Tealdi, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Secretaría de Derechos Humanos de la Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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