Bioethics: academic speciality or social movement


  • Miguel Kottow Universidad de Chile


Bioethics. Social commitment. Applied ethics. Empowerment. Becoming vulnerable.


As a form of applied ethics, bioethics is strongly rooted in theory provided both by philosophy and by the social practices that are of its concern. These foundations need to be the basis leading to recommendations for social routines, with the aim of achieving a democratic interplay of civic forces and fortification of the social institutions that empower the deprived, provide care for people who have become vulnerable and protect citizenship. It is unnecessary to persist in identifying a rigorous definition for bioethics or to adhere to the rigor of one method or the rigidity of one angle of epistemology, given that the aim of bioethics is not cognitive but rather prescriptive, and the standards should remain open to communicative argument. The nations of Latin America and the Caribbean are faced with a bioethical strategy coming from the more developed world, which is not only polemical but also overtly conflictive. Thus, it becomes essential for the region to develop its own type of vigorous and coherent bioethical discourse that is robust in its theory and directed towards local social problems and the defense of vulnerable populations that are being neglected and are losing out in their sanitary, pharmaceutical and research needs. For this reason, bioethics needs to become increasingly participative in social processes and to argue strongly not only against practices that leave people vulnerable, but also in favor of the development of social practices and institutions of therapeutic and protective nature.

Author Biography

  • Miguel Kottow, Universidad de Chile

    Escuela de Salud Pública, Facultad de Medicina, Santiago, Chile.


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__________Op. cit. p. 589.



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How to Cite

Bioethics: academic speciality or social movement. (2007). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 3(3), 328-343.

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