Neuroethics: a new branch of bioethics


  • Raul Marino Universidade de São Paulo



Neuroethics. Neurosciences. Ethics. Neurophilosophy.


This article discusses Neuroethics, one of the youngest disciplines to have branched out from the original bioethics, which has been called “ethics of the brain sciences”. Neuroethics views the brain as the seat of our humanity and personality, dealing with ethical, legal and social questions that arise when scientific findings about the brain are taken into medical practice and into the interpretations of the law, healthcare and society’s guidelines. In summary, it is the ethics of neurosciences.

Author Biography

  • Raul Marino, Universidade de São Paulo

    Faculdade de Medicina e Núcleo de Estudos de Bioética da Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Instituto Oscar Freire, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.


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Artigos Especiais

How to Cite

Neuroethics: a new branch of bioethics. (2007). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 3(2), 150-156.