Global Bioethics and politics


  • Juan Lacadena Universidade Complutense de Madrid



Global Bioethics. Ethics of Responsibility. Human embryo manipulations. Biotechnology. European opinion. Eurobarometer.


From a sociobiological point of view, one may say that human spe- cies has been through different ethical levels. From an ethical past mankind has been therefore experiencing individual, familiar, tribal, social, racial, re- gional, national ethical stages. However, at present moment we can hopefully realize that ethical concerns of mankind ”“ although with intrinsic imperfec- tions ”“ are embodied in the development of human rights, peaceful move- ments, protection of nature, responsibility towards future generations etc. In other words, we are starting to practice a Global Bioethics in conjunction with an Ethics of Responsibility as proposed respectively by Van Ressenlaer Potter and Hans Jonas. Together they lead to the political use of bioethical principles: Global bioethics and politics, that constitutes the issue of this study. In its context, special attention is given to the importance of “public-opinion” versus “published opinion” and two european public-opinion polls from 2003 (BBVA Foundation Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Spain) and 2005 (Eurobarometer) about issues related to human embryo manipulations and biotechnology are briefly analyzed.

Author Biography

  • Juan Lacadena, Universidade Complutense de Madrid

    Departamento de Genética, Faculdade de Biologia,

     Madrid, Espanha.


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Artigos Originais

How to Cite

Global Bioethics and politics. (2007). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 3(1), 40-64.