Legal discourse, miths and fallacies: fundamental rights and abortion of anencephalic fetus in the Brazilian Supreme Court


  • Henrique Simon Centro Universitário de Brasília



Abortion. Anencephaly. Life. Fundamental rights. Brazilian Supreme Court.


Anencephaly became a relevant constitutional issue in the past three years. The Brazilian Supreme Court is poised to judge a case that would authorize the therapeutic anticipation of birth in such cases. This trial must face important ethical and legal issues for Brazilian society: what is life and in what circumstances is it protected by law. This article maintains that pregnancy interruption in case of anencephaly cannot be considered abortion. In order to sustain this claim, I adopt concepts from ordinary language philosophy as tools for the analysis of the rhetorical strategies of those who oppose this view and to clarify the different meanings of the idea of “life” in legal and moral speech. I conclude that the anticipation of the birth in cases of anencephaly does not constitute abortion in a legal sense; that the anencephalic fetus has no life; or that if alive, her “life” is not protected by law since its right to life does not trump the fundamental rights guaranteed to the expectant mother (of freedom, autonomy, health, and moral and physical integrity).

Author Biography

  • Henrique Simon, Centro Universitário de Brasília

    (UniCEUB), Brasília, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Legal discourse, miths and fallacies: fundamental rights and abortion of anencephalic fetus in the Brazilian Supreme Court. (2008). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 4(3-4), 170-197.